琥珀教育將於2024年11月30日 (星期六) 舉行「 英國升學講座 2024」。 重點介紹英國 Health Science 專科 OnCampus 大學的基礎課程,講座將會由CEG代表主持,必定能讓學生更認識英國Health Science的課程。
以下為各間大學在Health Science領域中的排名簡介:
- Loughborough: Top 10 in the UK from 2017-2025, No. 1 in the world for sports-related subjects, Top 2 in the UK for Sport Science, 1st in the UK for facilities.
- Aston (Optometry): 2nd in the UK for 'continuation' and 'graduation prospects - on track', 4th overall in the UK for Health Professions, 1st in Optometry and Allied Health graduate salaries.
- St George's University of London: #1 for graduate prospects on track, 6th in the UK for Pharmacy and Pharmacology.
- Southampton: Top 100 Global University, Top 15 UK University, Founding member of the Russell Group, 3rd in the UK for Nursing.
因應英國政府將實施eVisa政策,本週的講座亦會講解持有實體 BRP 卡的學生需要了解的重要資訊。無論你是英國留學生或者即將移民英國,這場講座都能為你提供寶貴的資訊和更深入了解英國的最新規例。不要錯過,立即登記!
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