「8月12至13日:環球教育博覽 Global Education Expo 2023」

環球教育博覽2023是香港最具規模及內容最豐富的教育展覽之一,博覽涵蓋本地及海外大丶中丶小學丶專上及持續進修學院等,提供本地及海外升學資訊。 透過這些豐富及實用的資訊,可更高效地瞭解國際教育和職業前景,令升學走向多元化。 博覽會的目標主要是小、中、大學生、和有興趣赴海外學留學的學生,接近100間本地及海外院校代表參展和目標吸引超過10,000多名人士入場。
The Global Education Expo 2023 (“GEE”), the largest premier education exhibition in Hong Kong, aims to inspire and encourage students from Hong Kong by providing the right tools and resources, as well as cultivate their career prospects and brighten the future of education. This Expo is targeted at school and college students, graduates and those who are looking for academic opportunities overseas, with an expected presence of more than 180 exhibitors and 10,000+ audience.
日期: 2023年 8 月 12日至 13 日(星期六至日)
時間: 12:00nn - 7:00pm
地點: 香港灣仔香港會議展覽中心3C 展覽廳 (Hall 3C, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre)
請參與展覽者注意:1. 本活動實施人流管制,排隊等候時間可能較長。Crowd control measure is implemented, the waiting time in queue may be longer.
2.部分學校透過網上參與,建議家長學生攜帶個人耳機,方便與學校代表作網上對話。Some schools participate via online, it is recommended that parents/students bring their personal headset with them to facilitate online meeting with schools.
3. 展覽場內嚴禁飲食。Eating or drinking is not allowed in the Expo.
4. 講座座位先到先得。First-come-first-served for seminar sessions.
- Ackworth School
- Adcote School
- Ashford School
- Bishopstrow College
- Brighton College
- University of Brunel
- University of Cambridge
- Cambridge Education Group (CEG)
- Cardiff Sixth Form College
- Caterham School
- CATS Colleges
- Clayesmore School
- Durham University
- University of Exeter
- University of Hertfordshire
- University of Huddersfield
- Kaplan (UK)
- King’s Education
- University of Manchester
- Middlesex University London
- Myddelton College
- Navitas
- Newcastle University
- Nord Anglia Education (d’Overbroeck's & Oxford Sixth Form College)
- Norwich University of the Arts
- University of Nottingham
- Lancaster University
- Lancing College
- University of Leeds
- University of Leicester
- Oxford International Education Group (OIEG)
- Padworth College
- University of Portsmouth
- Prior’s Field School
- Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate
- Queenswood School
- University of Reading
- Royal Holloway, University of London
- SOAS University of London
- University of South Wales
- University of Southampton
- St Francis’ College
- Study Group
- Swansea University
- The Abbey DLD
- The Leys School
- The University of Law
- University College Birmingham
- University of the West England
- Wrekin College
- The University of Adelaide
- Curtin University
- Griffith University
- The Hutchins School
- Kaplan (AUS)
- Macquarie University
- Navitas (AUS)
- The University of New South Wales (UNSW)
- NSW Government School
- Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
- The University of Queensland
- RMIT University
- St Paul’s International College
- The University of Sydney
- St Michael’s School
- University of Tasmania
- West Moreton Anglican College
- Yarra Valley
- Alexander College
- Columbia College
- Columbia International College
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU)
- Pacific Link College
- University Canada West (UCW)
- Global Enhancement College
- Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong
- University of Sunderland Hong Kong
- China Hong Kong English School
- Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University
- Singapore Institute of Management (SIM)
- The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
- British Council
- HSBC International Banking
- Vita Student

查詢: 灣仔琥珀薈(2377 7888)/ 尖沙咀(2377 7889)/ 旺角(2377 7880)Whatsapp/Signal: 6117 6512 (灣仔琥珀薈)/ 5229 7775 (尖沙咀)/ 5229 7770 (旺角)