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「8月20-21日:環球教育博覽 Global Education Expo 2022」


琥珀教育、aec教育顧問及Coopers & Coopers將合辦「環球教育博覽2022」,是香港最具規模及內容最豐富的教育展覽之一,博覽涵蓋本地及海外大丶中丶小學丶專上及持續進修學院等,提供本地及海外升學資訊。 透過這些豐富及實用的資訊,可更高效地瞭解國際教育和職業前景,令升學走向多元化。 博覽會的目標主要是小、中、大學生、和有興趣赴海外留學的學生,接近100間本地及海外院校代表參展和目標吸引超過10,000多名人士入場。

「環球教育博覽Global Education Expo 2022」為本年度最大規模及內容最豐富的教育博覽,於8月20-21日假香港會議展覽中心舉行,由琥珀教育、aec教育顧問及英聯教育合辦。來自世界各地近百間涵蓋英國、愛爾蘭、澳洲、加拿大、新加坡、內地及本地等大丶中丶小學丶專上及持續進修學院雲集香港,提供本地及海外升學資訊,共同推動教育全球化。

 "Global Education Expo 2022" (“GEE”) is the largest andmost informative education exhibition of the year. It is co-organized by AmberEducation, aec Education Consultancy, and Coopers & Coopers Limited. Arounda hundred colleges, primary and boarding schools, tertiary and continuingeducation institutions from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Singapore,China and Hong Kong will provide local and overseas education information and makea joint effort to promote the globalization of education.
Although the pandemic has impacted the world greatly, Hong Kongstudents’ interest to study abroad has been unwavering. Destinations for furtherstudies are no longer limited to the United Kingdom and Australia; In recentyears, more parents and students have considered alternative options such asCanada, Singapore etc., which shows that education is now globalized. As such,GEE acts as an important platform for students who wish to pursue studiesoverseas to explore choices and opportunities by engaging with schoolrepresentatives directly. GEE also allows students to understand more abouteducation and relevant career prospects on an international level, thusidentify directions for further studies.

想了解世界各地的學院並親身與學校代表對話?不要錯過「環球教育博覽2022」,屆時將有來自英國、愛爾蘭、澳洲、加拿大、新加坡、内地及本地等院校提供最新課程資訊。博覽一連兩天設有14場講座,主題涵蓋英澳加升學及居留貼士、海外留學配套包括出發前準備及APAC卓越精英課程等。首日更請來劍橋大學St John's College教授Dr.Matthias Dörrzapf和星級主持方健儀小姐主持講座,講解香港學生獎學金申請資訊及校園點滴,更有機會與教授對話!

「環球教育博覽 Global Education Expo 2022」
          (Hall 5G, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai)


1. 根據政府「疫苗通行證」下規定,所有參加者必須接種最少三劑新冠疫苗
2. 本活動設人數限制,最多四人為一組出席。
3. 參展者必須配戴口罩,進場前必須量度體溫及用手機掃描「安心出行」二維碼。
4. 本活動實施人流管制,排隊等候時間可能較長。
6. 展覽場內嚴禁飲食。
7. 講座座位先到先得。


Abbey DLD
Ashford School
Aston University
Birmingham City University
Bishopstrow College 
Bosworth Independent College
Bournemouth Collegiate
Bournemouth University
Bromsgrove School
Burgess Hill School for Girls
Cambridge Education Group (CEG)
Cardiff Sixth Form College
Cardiff University
Catherham School
Coventry University
Durham University
dÓverbroeck's College
Kaplan (UK)
Le Cordon Bleu (UK)
Mander Portman Woodward
Middlesex University
Navitas Group (UK)
Newcastle University
Nottingham Trent University
Oxford Sixth Form College
Padworth College
Queen Ethelburga's college
Queen Mary University of London
Royal Holloway, University of London
Sidcot School
SOAS University of London
St Andrew's College Cambridge
St Bees School
St Francis' College
Swansea University
The University of Nottingham
The University of Sheffield
University of Bath
University of Bristol
University of Cambridge
University of Dundee
University of East Anglia (UEA)
University of Exeter
University of Glasgow
University of Hertfordshire
University of Huddersfield
University of Law
University of Leicester
University of Lincoln
University of Liverpool
University of Portsmouth
University of Reading
University of South Wales
University of Southampton
University of Sussex
University of Westminster
University of York
UP Education Limited

University College Dublin (UCD)
Griffith College

Australian National University
Bond University
Central Queensland University (CQU)
Curtin University
Education Queensland International (EQI)
Griffith University
Kaplan (AUS)
Le Cordon Bleu (AUS)
Monash University
Navitas (AUS)
Royal High School
St Paul's International College
The University of South Australia
University of Adelaide
University of Canberra
University of New South Wales (UNSW)
University of Queensland
University of Queensland
University of Tasmania
VIC Government School

Columbia College
Columbia International College of Canada
Langara College

SIM Global Education

China Hong Kong English School
Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong
University of Sunderland Hong Kong


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