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「英國歷史悠久的藝術學院—Manchester Metropolitan University」


Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) 在藝術、時尚、設計、建築、數碼藝術和表演等方面的創意範疇均有出色表現。

曼徹斯特藝術學院(Manchester School of Art)

曼徹斯特藝術學院是英國最古老的藝術學院之一,擁有180多年的歷史且藝術底蘊深厚,而藝術和設計課程更在全英排名第7 (Complete University Guide 2021)。學校的國際知名校友包括︰演員Dame Julie Walters、屢獲殊榮的設計師ThomasHeatherwick Sarah Burton、創意總監Alexander McQueen


1. 設計系 (Department of Design)


2. 藝術與表演系 (Department of Art and Performance)


3. 曼徹斯特建築學院 (Manchester School of Architecture)


MMU 畢業生廣泛受僱於建築設計行業中,當中兩名知名校友與香港的關係密切。包括:世界著名建築師Norman Foster,其作品有香港上海匯豐銀行大廈,以及前港鐵總建築師Roland Paoletti,曾負責早期地鐵站項目。

Study at one of the UK’s oldest art schools

Manchester Metropolitan University offers arrange of creative courses in art, fashion, design, architecture, digital arts and performance, across a number of schools and departments.

Manchester School of Art

Manchester School of Art is one of the oldest art schools in the UK, with a history of more than 180 years and is 7th in the UK for art and design courses in the Complete University Guide 2021. Internationally renowned alumni from the school include actor Dame Julie Walters, multi-award-winning designer Thomas Heatherwick and Sarah Burton, creative director of Alexander McQueen.

The school is formed of three areas:

- Department of Design

Offering courses in graphic design, interiors, textiles, product design, illustration, design innovation and craft.

- Department of Art and Performance

Offering courses in fine art, art history, curating and painting. This department also incorporates Manchester School of Theatre’s acting, and contemporary performance courses.

- Manchester School of Architecture

Manchester School of Architecture is a collaboration between Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Manchester, with the degree awarded by the two Universities. It is a prestigious School of Architecture and is ranked 11th in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2021.

Among the many well-known graduates of the school, two have a particularly close relationship with Hong Kong. The world-renowned architect Norman Foster, whose works include the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Building, and the former MTR chief architect, who oversaw the early subway station project, Roland Paoletti.

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