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「University of Law: 助您成為執業律師」

時間:2018-07-06來源:琥珀教育編輯:Maisy Law


  • We are one of the UK’s longest-established specialistproviders of legal education, since 1867 - we’ve trained more practisinglawyers in the UK than anyone else.

University of Law是英國歷史最悠久的專業法律教育機構,自1867年,在英國培訓了不少執業律師。

  • We have been awarded Gold in the TeachingExcellence Framework for our teaching, learning and outcomes.

University of Law在教學,學習和成果方面榮獲了卓越教學金獎(TEF Gold)

  • Taught by qualified lawyers - over 90% of our LLBtutors are qualified lawyers

由執業律師授課 - 超過90%執業律師作為法律學士學位導師

  • We have 7 campuses in 7 cities across the UK including2 centres in London.


  • We have the UK’s largest legal alumni group with over64,000 members, giving our students excellent networking opportunities.


  • 91% of our LLB graduates secured employment or furtherstudies within six months of successfully completing their course (2016)


  • 96% of our LPC graduates employed within 9 months ofcompleting the course (2016)


  • Our award-winning pro bono team put your legal skillsinto practice by giving you access to over - 3,000 opportunities to work on realcases while you’re studying.

University of Law屢獲殊榮的法律援助團隊將學生的法律技能付諸實踐,讓學生在學習期間獲得超過3,000個真實案例的實習機會。

  • Our expert legal careers and employability service isone of the largest in the UK, with over 30 experts providing one-to-onesupport.

University of Law的就業諮詢團隊是全英國大學最大的就業服務機構之一, 超過30位專家提供一對一支援。

學校資料: https://www.law.ac.uk/


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