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「The University of Salford:物理治療全英排名第九」


The University of Salford於1896年成立,大學前身為SalfordRoyal Technical Institute。近50年來一直都是英國頂級的大學,致力向在校生提供實習工作經驗,為職業生涯作好準備。

Salford是一所以校園為基礎(campus-based) 的大學,來自130多個國家的學生在校園中學習,在學人數超過20,000名。大學課程均銜蓋各種行業的知識,大部分課程亦獲得專業機構的認證。學生可以透過學者演講分享、有薪工作實習或參與企業項目等方式把握先機,增加就業競爭力。而大學的講師教授都是學科上的專家,大多是專業的執業員、世界一流的研究人員。學生在TheUniversity of Salford學習,可申請一系列的獎學金計劃,減輕其學業負擔。

The University of Salford由四間學院組成,分別為︰






The University of Salford位於大曼徹斯特郡 (Greater Manchester),距離曼徹斯特市(ManchesterCity) 僅5分鐘車程。ManchesterCity是英國最大城市之一,最近更被譽為「英國最佳居住城市」(TheEconomist)。GreaterManchester亦是英國最多元化的地區之一,留學生人數眾多,營造多元文化的學習氛圍。






學校同時為國際學生 (包括本科生和研究生) 提供各種獎學金:


•全球白銀卓越獎學金—3,000英鎊 (適用於大多數全日制課程)



•Health Heroes獎學金:2,000英鎊—3,500英鎊(視乎課程)





The University of Salford was established in 1896, starting as the Salford Royal Technical Institute – and has now been a leading university for 50 years, providing students with real-world experiences, preparing them for their career.

It is a campus-based university, and there are over 20,000 students are studying on the campuses, with students from over 130 different countries.

Courses at the University of Salford are industry-informed, and many are accredited by professional bodies. Students at the University of Salford benefit from the opportunity to collaborate with industry, by hearing from guest speakers, doing paid placement years or internships and live projects.

Lecturers at the University of Salford are subject experts, and many are active professional practitioners, world-class researchers, or both.

If you choose to study at the University Alford, you can benefit from a range of scholarships.


The University of Salford is made up of four schools:

·        The School of Science,Engineering and Environment

·        The School of Health and Society

·        The School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology

·        Salford Business School


The University of Salford is located in Greater Manchester, just 5 minutes’ drive from Manchester city centre - one of the biggest cities in the UK and recently named "The Best UK City to Live in" (The Economist). Greater Manchester is one of the most diverse city regions in the UK with over 200 languages spoken and also has a very large student population.

The University itself is located in the city of Salford, which has been named the “Greenest place” to live in England in 2020 and our campus has won the Eco Campus Sustainability Award in 2019.

Living costs are more reasonable in Salford and Manchester compared to many other cities in the UK. The transport links are excellent, and you can get to London in just over 2 hours by train, and to Edinburgh, Scotland in 3.5 hours.

Fees and Funding

o  Undergraduate fees range from £14,400- £16,470 per year.

o  Postgraduate fees range from£11,340 - £18,990 per year.


A wide range of scholarships are available for international students at undergraduate and postgraduate level:

·        Global Gold Excellence Scholarship - £3,500 available on most full-time courses

·        Global Silver Excellence Scholarship - £3,000 available on most full-time courses

Scholarships for specific programmes:

·        MSc Public Health International Excellence Scholarship: 50% discount

·        Health Heroes Scholarship:£2,000 - £3,500 depending on course

·        Energy Industries International Scholarships: £5,000

·        Built Environment Accelerated degree Scholarships: £5,000

Scholarships are also available through partner institutions including Ch evening, NCUK, Commonwealth and more.


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