「Falmouth University: 助你在創意產業中佔一席位」

Falmouth University的學生可真正享受獲得「TEF Gold standard teaching」的學術體驗、使用世界一流的設施和擁有行業之間的人際網絡。 根據《完全大學指南2020》,Falmouth University是全英格蘭和威爾士第二安全的大學,它位於康沃爾郡 (Cornwall) 的美麗風景之中,亦被《星期日泰晤士報》譽為是英國最佳的居住地之一,學生在Falmouth University可以擁有一個精彩的校園生活。
Falmouth University近一百多年來一直都是創意思維和設計創新的重要樞紐,以注重啟發學生的創意思維為名。現時,大學的本科和研究生課程均展現了創意產業的廣泛性,而學生就業機會涵蓋藝術、設計和時尚、遊戲、音樂和電影行業等。
近5000名來自52個國家的學生在Falmouth University兩個校區內學習,提供完善的教學設施,確保學生可以在優質的環境下學習,例如有表演和錄音工作室、最佳的歐洲攝影設施、先進的數碼製造技術和電視演播室,還有由專家設計的畫廊空間,令學生仿如置身在風景如畫的環境中。
Falmouth University除了在康沃爾郡 (Cornwall) 的校園提供的面授課程外,還開設了網上的遙距學習課程,協助有意從事藝術、設計、傳播和數碼專業等職業的本科和研究生學生作好準備。大學還與業界領先的組織建立了合作夥伴關係,包括︰伊甸園計劃 (Eden Project)、戈頓工作室 (Gorton Studio)、英國廣播公司 (BBC),以及來自全球的專業教育工作者。
根據Capital on tap 2021,Falmouth University最近被評為最佳商業大學,近四分之一的學生於畢業後創業或從事商業工作,人數對比牛津和劍橋等英國其他大學的畢業生還多。而在《完全大學指南2020》排名中,大學在藝術、設計和市場營銷的畢業生前景方面也位列前十名。
擁有面對市場的實踐經驗,Falmouth University的學生畢業後成為經驗豐富且人脈濃厚的專業人士,善於解決複雜的問題和熱衷於團隊合作,準備畢業後隨時加入創意產業。
Falmouth University的遊戲學院提供計算機科學、電子競技和遊戲設計的本科和研究生課程,大學預計到行業的未來,並與整個創意世界的技能集進行協作。學生可使用專業及達標準的工作室和設備來製作真實的遊戲和數碼產品。
大學同時位居英格蘭學習遊戲開發的頂級大學 (Princeton Review, 2021)。
大學提供世界級水平的設施和專業的教職員,賦予學生空間、設備和專業知識去學習數碼設計和原型製作技術、製造工藝、研發方法和概念技能。 因此,學生可以創造可持續的空間、場所或產品,並探索能源、健康和福祉等問題。
Falmouth 藝術學院
視覺藝術已經在大學進行了一個多世紀的實踐和教授,學校以卓越的創造力著稱,因此一直處於英國藝術學校的前列。大學致力為學生提供最佳的學習環境,透過與同輩一起思考、製作和實驗,從而發展學生個人的創意網絡,Falmouth University的藝術畢業生位居英國前十名大學之列。(Complete University Guide, 2021)。
距離不應該成為錯過校園、設施和當地區域的原因。通過虛擬體驗 (包括定期舉辦的現場網絡研討會和Falmouth University的全面導賞),感受在康沃爾(Cornwall)學習生活。
請點擊此處選擇一個時段與Falmouth University進行交談,或直接聯繫international@falmouth.ac.uk或WhatsApp +44(0)7436031999。大學亦同時歡迎學生透過「Ask-a-Student」平台全天候與我們在校的學生聊天。
At Falmouth University, our mission is simple - to help you get a great job in the creative industries.
With TEF Gold standard teaching, world-class facilities and unmatchable industry connections, our students are Doing it For Real from day one. Set amongst the beautiful landscape of Cornwall in the 2nd safest university in England and Wales (Complete University Guide, 2020) in one of the best places to live in the UK (Sunday Times, 2019), at Falmouth University you can look forward to a lifestyle a little beyond the ordinary.
Falmouth University has been a hub of creative thinking and design innovation for more than 100 years, in a famously inspiring creative region. Today, its portfolio of undergraduate and postgraduate courses represents the breadth of the creative industries and career opportunities spanning art, design and fashion, to gaming, music and film.
Almost 5000 students from more than 52 countries study on Falmouth’s two campuses,with professional standard environments, studios and facilities, state-of-the-art performance and recording studios, some of the best photography facilities in Europe, cutting edge digital manufacturing technology, TV studios and gallery spaces – designed by specialists and situated in picturesque surroundings.
Alongside courses that are delivered at our campuses in Cornwall, England, Falmouth University also runs ground-breaking online undergraduate and postgraduate distance learning programs to prepare students for international careers in art, design, communications and digital specialisms. The University also has exciting partnerships with industry-leading organisations, including The Eden Project, Gordon Studio and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), as well as specialist educators across the globe.
Falmouth University is changing the way Higher Education is delivered. Its future-focussed and trans disciplinary approach to curriculum design and teaching delivery means it is planning for the needs of the future economy, ensuring its students have the skills they need to excel in the fast-changing and global nature of work.
The results speak for themselves. Falmouth University has recently been named as the best university for business, with almost a quarter of all graduates – more than any other university in the UK, including Oxford and Cambridge – going onto start up or lead a business (Capital on Tap, 2021).We are also in the top ten for graduate prospects for art & design and marketing (Complete University Guide, 2021).
With real world, real market challenges and hands-on experience, Falmouth University graduates leave as experienced and networked professionals, who are accomplished complex problem-solvers and strong team players, ready to enter the creative industries.
Ready to see what your future could look like? Discover more and find out how to apply.
Department Highlights
Our 9 departments reflect the diversity of careers in the creative industries. Discover just a few department highlights below or go online to explore all our programmes.
Games Academy
Offering a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, from computer science to E-sports and Game Design, at our Games Academy we anticipate the future of the industry and collaborate with skill sets from across the creative world. Our students create real games and digital products every day, using professional-standard studios and equipment. We are also ranked the top university in England to study games development (Princeton Review, 2021).
School of Architecture, Design and Interiors
With world-class facilities and professional staff, you’ll have the space, equipment and expertise to learn digital design and prototyping techniques, manufacturing processes, research and development methods, and conceptual skills. So you can create sustainable spaces, places or products, and explore issues like energy,health and wellbeing.
Falmouth School of Art
Visual arts have been practised and taught at Falmouth for over a century, and our reputation for creative excellence keeps us at the forefront of British art schools. We're dedicated to providing the best environment for you to think,make and experiment alongside your peers, and develop your creative networks,and we’re in the top ten universities in the UK for art graduate prospects (Complete University Guide, 2021).
The University has a limited number of £2,000 scholarships, paid toward first year tuition fees,which will be available for new international students applying for on-campus taught degree courses (bachelor's and taught master's courses) who are considered to demonstrate exceptional talent (starting in September 2021).
Explore our Virtual Experiences:
Distance shouldn't be a reason to miss out on what our campuses, facilities and local area has to offer. Get a feel for what it's like to study and live in Cornwall without Virtual Experiences including regular live webinars and a 360 degree tour of Falmouth University.
Want to talk to us about what your future could look like?
Book in an informal chat at a time that suits you by selecting a slot here or simply get in touch on international@falmouth.ac.uk or on WhatsApp on +44 (0)7436031999 .
If you would rather chat to a current Falmouth student, head over to our Ask-a-Student platform where students you can speak to current students 24/7.