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「英國航空公司 (British Airways):學生套票優惠」




1. 學生可以與父母共享套票(機票需有一位學生訂票)
2. 學生及家長可以在簽發機票後,提早選擇座位並確認座位
3. .每三張來回機票的套票可享有一件額外托運行李

憑其發出的參考編號(Reference number)即可享有一件額外托運行李。

目的地:英國 或 歐洲

-  於指定推廣日期內,新的訂票及已出票之客戶可享有一件超額行李優惠。
-  客戶必須提供由琥珀教育發出的參考編號,方可享有此優惠。
-  在香港與英國/歐洲之間的單程飛行,一件的超額行李不能多於23公斤。
-  推廣日期過後將不提供行李超額免費優惠。

如有查詢或預訂,請聯絡琥珀教育或致電英國航空熱線:3071 5083。

* 如果內容有任何差異或不一致的地方, 請以英文版本為準。

British Airways is launching excess baggage campaign for student bundle 3 tickets. Customers who book and issue student bundle 3 tickets within promotion period can enjoy one extra baggage (3 pieces in total):

1. Student tickets are shareable with parents. (student must be included in the booking)
2.Customers are offered with free seating for bundle 3 tickets once tickets are issued. 
3. Customers are offered with one extra baggage for each bundle.

Travel together with your children. Enjoy extra checked bag and free seating when travelling to the UK/Europe.

Eligibility :
Passengers who purchase bundle 3 tickets with Amber reference number could enjoy one extra baggage.

Promotion period from 6 October 2020 to 30 October 2020
Travel period : Year round
Destinations: To all UK / Europe destinations

Terms and Condition
-  Excess baggage will be honoured to new bookings made and ticketed  during the promotion period.
-  Reference numbers need to be provided in order to claim the excess baggage offer.
-  Excess baggage means one checked bag x 23 KG on one-way flight journey  between Hong Kong and UK/Europe
-    No free excess baggage will be offered after the promotion period.

For enquiries or bookings, please contact Amber Education or call British Airways hotline 3071 5083


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