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【入讀頂尖大學的捷徑 - INTO】




每年,幫助來自150個國家和地區的大約14,000名學生實現他們的海外留學夢想。 INTO始終將學生放在首位,超越自我,以確保他們快樂,健康並為成功做好準備。

INTO University Partnerships is an independent organization focused on expanding higher education opportunities for students worldwide. 

We believe in the power of education to change lives. INTO serves as the critical bridge between students seeking higher education opportunities and universities who seek to internationalize their teaching, research and engagement around the world.  Through the power of partnerships, we are able to achieve ambitious goals that neither party could ever accomplish alone.

INTO has adiverse portfolio of university partnerships across the UK and US offering our educational partners the widest choice of universities, locations and programs.What makes us different, is the nature of our partnerships. We establish long-term joint ventures, where the University oversees the academic quality of our programs, and INTO provides exceptional teaching quality, unrivalled support services and purpose-built living and learning environments. 

Every year, we help around 14,000 students from 150 countries and territories around the world achieve their dream of studying overseas. We always put our students first,going above and beyond to ensure that they’re happy, healthy and ready for success.

Our UK Partner Universities英國合作大學:
City University of London
University of East Anglia
University of Exeter
Glasgow Caledonian University
The University of Manchester
Manchester Metropolitan University
Newcastle University
Newcastle University London
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Stirling 

Our USA Partner Universities 美國合作大學:
Colorado State University
Drew University
George Mason University
Hofstra University
llinois State University
Oregon State University
Saint Louis University
Suffolk University
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of South Florida
Washington State University

了解更多 school website - https://www.intostudy.com


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