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「Hong Kong Scholarship St' John College」


The St' John Hong Kong Scholarship is a scholarship for  Hong Kong undergraduates, who have gone to school in Hong Kong.

St John's Hong Kong Scholarship
St John's College is delighted to have launched a Scholarship Programme for Hong Kong Residents. The Scholarship is means-tested and can pay upto full fees and maintainance costs.
The Scholarship will be awarded to a Hong Kong resident entering to College in October 2020.Any undergraduate course of study at Cambridge University is eligible, with the expectionof Medical and Veterinary Sciences.

Facts about St John's

> The student body comprises 980 students in total, both undergraduates and graduates.
> 15 - 20% of St John's students come from overseas.
> In the academic year 2016-17, More than 200 undergraduate projects and activities were partially or fully funded by St John's College. These included Undergraduate Academic Research Projects,
> Exchange Programmes, Interships and Travel Grants.
> St John's has one of the largest College libraries in Cambridge, housing more than 150 thousands borrowable books.
> There are more than 40 clubs and societies, all run by students.
> St John's students are allowed to stay at College accomodation and use College facilities during the Christmas and Easter holidays.
> Cambridge graduates are among the most employable in the world; 6 months after graduation, 54.9% of Cambridge graduates are in employment.
> The College's alumni include the winners of 10 Nobel Prizes and 7 Prime Ministers!

Find out more
Web: www.joh.cam.ac.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/stjohnscambridge


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