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「University of Dundee: 榮獲卓越教學金獎」

時間:2018-06-01來源:琥珀教育編輯:Maisy Law


入讀大學是一個既令人興奮又能改變人生的生活體驗,以下文章讓你知道為什麼選擇於Universityof Dundee繼續進修!

根據2018Times Higher Education指出,University of Dundee屬世界排名第200名。同時University of Dundee2017年英國大學中,榮獲僅有12間大學取得最高評級的卓越教學金獎,為學生提供相當廣泛的學習領域及學科,設有超過220個不同範疇學位課程。


2018Times HigherEducation排名,大學獲評為英國首20名頂尖大學為學生提供優質大學體驗,而在2017國際學生指標調查中,超過17,000名學生進行調查,其中國際學生的整體滿意度為93%,可見學生的評價相當高。

校園位置靠近Dundee市中心,學生從校園可徒步至附近餐廳、咖啡廳、商店、酒吧、博物館、畫廊、劇院及電影院等等。校內風景和宿舍環境優美,配以低廉的生活費用,為學生提供完美的校園生活。想知道有關University of Dundee更多資訊,請瀏覽https://www.dundee.ac.uk

Going to university is an exciting andlife-changing experience, and we want to let you know why you should look nofurther than the
Universityof Dundee in the UK when deciding where to continue your education.

We are one of the World’s Top 200 universities(Times Higher Education 2018) and one of only 12 UK universities to also hold aGold award – the highest possible rating - in the Teaching Excellence Framework2017. We pride ourselves in offering a wide range of subjects to study, andwith over 220 degrees, we’ve got you covered.

Our Global Excellence Scholarship is agreat way to help with the financial commitment of studying towards yourdegree. If you are an international student expecting to matriculate with highgrades, you don't even need to apply as you'll be automatically eligible. Ifyou expect to matriculate below the entry grade criteria you will be invited toapply for the scholarship. We will email you all the information you need tosubmit your application and our supportive team are on hand to answer anyquestions you have.

The University is home to more than 17,000students who rate us highly – we were recently ranked in the Top 20 UKuniversities for student experience by Times Higher Education 2018. Ourinternational students also rated their overall satisfaction as 93%, one of thehighest scores in the latest International Student Barometer Survey 2017.

Our safe and compact city campus has anideal location in the heart of Dundee. Step outside and you are within walkingdistance of great restaurants, cafés, bars, shops, museums, art galleries,theatres, a cinema and more.

With a low cost of living, on-campusaccommodation and beautiful scenery, it's perfect for your new student life.

For more information on studying at the Universityof Dundee, please visit our internationalstudy page


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